Birth Doula Services during the Corona Virus pandemic


During this time, birth doulas are no longer allowed in hospitals in the most states in the US. In response to the couples who have reached out to me in panic, I have created a VIRTUAL support package, which allows you to have the benefit of a doula for a fraction of the price.

FEE: $500 (USUAL IN-PERSON FEE $1,500)

Virtual Doula Support Package includes:


  • Learn the keys to an empowered birthing experience.

  • Explore the decisions you will need to make in order to advocate for yourselves with staff at the hospital/birthing center. Gain the info and tools to put together your “birth preferences” sheet.

  • Discover resources to prepare yourself and your partner for this amazing, bonding experience.


  • Become educated on the signs of labor approaching and how things will change as you progress.

  • Practice coping methods (with your partner, if you have one) for your birthing experience.

  • Discuss concerns and ask questions in the group context (we can learn from each others’ questions too!)


  • One private Zoom session to go over any personal concerns, to build our bond and to ensure that you feel ready and prepared

  • Continuous phone/virtual video support during your birth (I will be on call for you as I would normally be, so you can call me at any time of the day or night). This means I can help you navigate any decisions that need to be made on the day, offer you emotional support and support your partner in supporting you.

  • If you are in the Hudson Valley/Catskill area then I can attend your birth in person, should hospitals decide to start allowing doulas to attend again. (This would be an additional $700 fee, payable at the time of the decision).


“Hiring Laura was one of the BEST choices we made!!!

— Cynthia

“Laura is an incredibly skilled doula who made our birth experience so much easier: from prenatal preparation to postpartum life. She is gentle and supportive in every way and embraces the uniqueness of each birth, including the emotions that can surround it. At the same time, she provides solid factual information about each decision that surrounds labor. In the months leading up to our due date, she spent much time teaching us practical pain management techniques that allowed us to feel empowered enough to labor at home for quite a while. Once in the hospital, she offered (incredible) visualizations, help with navigating conversations with doctors, and suggestions for movements/different positions (and so much more). Despite her wealth of knowledge, she brings a deep sense of respect for the instincts of the mother. She really knows her stuff! I really can’t say enough good things about this wise woman. She was awesome and if we ever have a second child, I’ll call her immediately.

— Emilie